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Research Directions

The goal of holistic care will be achieved through the pioneering researches and the introduction of telemedicine. There are four axes for the research direction, based on the research capacity of the College of Medicine, the importance in geriatric medicine, and the critical issues of future research priorities as follows:
(1) Basic medicine: explore the pathophysiological mechanisms of aging regulation, geriatric regenerative medicine, molecular biology translation, and application of aging mechanisms, including cell therapy, regenerative medicine, and precision medicine.
(2) Clinical medicine: including various degenerative diseases prevalent among the older adults; function-based assessments and treatments in geriatric medicine; and geriatric mental disorders and spiritual care.
(3) Medical assistive devices and smart technology: from functional rehabilitation to precision medicine, to the development and application of the assistive devices.
(4) Community medicine: including health promotion and long-term care.
Under the framework of holistic whole person and lifespan development, we consider the health spectrum (from health, sub-health, comorbidity, frailty, disability, dementia, to end-of-life) under different continuous care settings for older adults, in order to scope the holistic care (i.e, physiological, psychological, social, and spiritual) with covering three aspects of research, education, and clinical care, to achieve the future vision of an aged society.